Delicacies for the Most High

Roasted rare Earthen tuber, orange like the setting sun, melted sweet and warm on her tongue. She studied her creation on the plains below. Her Youngling workforce departed, dragging their feet, hair blowing heavy in the evening breeze.

She turned and left.

“Here she is!”

A crowd cheered as she emerged, awaiting her grand reveal.


Her award, a sculpture in her likeness.

“-for your work in advancements of Younglings. Look what you’ve created through them!”

A wall slid away, revealing her creation; the first city.

Gasps turned to cheers.

She beamed with pride, what would she craft next?

© 2021 Rebecca Glaessner

March 4, 2021, prompt: In 99 words (no more, no less), write a story that includes sweet potatoes. It can be part of a recipe, meal, or used as a nickname. Where do sweet potatoes take you? The grocery store? The garden? Mars? Go where the prompt leads!

Submissions now closed. Read the full collection here.

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10 thoughts on “Delicacies for the Most High

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  1. I love the positive energy and the fluid feeling of hope and happiness in this piece. I’m a huge believer in confidence and inner intuition leading to fulfillment. In this respect I feel connected to this protagonist.

    In other thoughts, I wish my hair was full enough to be heavy!! ╯︿╰

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