Debt to be Paid

Radiation reached his skin through UV-resistant clothes. "Four-hundred-thirteen billion credits for today's contestant! If he survives..." A hidden crowd cheered. He retrieved his only permitted secret ingredient with a blistered hand. "What's today's contestant chosen for us?" Blinding light. The crowd gasped. The glare receded and he staggered forward, balancing a platter, alien delicacies piled... Continue Reading →


The grounds shuddered. The air hummed along with urgency. Something was happening. Its kin at rest, a lone creature emerged from its dwelling, peering out toward the meeting line of void and land. The hum grew violent as the void tore open with a flash. From the tear, a being of another kind tumbled into... Continue Reading →

Just One

Career day, they'd say. Detaching from the cerebral collective, I scour the repository, wanting to remember on my own. It's been many a century, but I'll make change there. They've all held strong to their core designs, I'm sure. "Ah! Found it," I cease searching. "This is your ultimate decision?" Great Mind asks. "My only... Continue Reading →

Warm Welcome

"Pathway closed. Rift secure," announced a warm voice, filling the air around two bewildered humans. Adult and child; woman and girl. A different being approached. Human, only in appearance. "Welcome," it said, robes fluttering, "we trust your journey was painless?" "Please help," the woman held the girl close, "she's-" "Yes, we'll take care of the... Continue Reading →

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